Practice the pause

practice pause louise wellby

Mantra of the week: Practice the pause. 

When you feel disrupted, doubtful, proud, afraid, angry...
Choose to pause.

As we face our challenges of any shape or size, we have an opportunity to pause, to shift perspective, to grow taller than our fears.

We may have thought that some things were certain, sorted and scheduled, that we could rely on well-laid plans and structure. Striving forward and then thwarted. We are reminded, everything is uncertain. As it always was.

Practice the pause. It is powerful. It is growth. It is freedom.

Doubt, pause. Anger, pause. Tired, pause. Stressed, pause.

Pause and make room for a quiet wisdom to come through.

Quote of the week:

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

― Viktor E. Frankl


Sensitivity is a superpower